Quality Assurance
Quality Policy
The quality assurance policy of the Department of Accounting and Finance is fully harmonized with the quality assurance policy of the Institution and focuses on the continuous improvement of the quality of the curriculum, its educational, research and administrative work.
This policy is made public and disseminated to its members involved, so that its academic and administrative staff and its students take responsibility for quality assurance according to their respective roles.
The Department of Accounting and Finance is committed to the implementation of a quality policy that supports the academic physiognomy and orientation of the curriculum, promotes its purpose and subject matter, sets, implements and monitors quality objectives, determines the means, actions and ways of achieving them and applies the appropriate internal and external quality procedures with the ultimate goal of its continuous improvement.
For this reason, the Department’s Undergraduate School is established and regularly updated with a focus on academic and applied teaching, research and search. Its update takes into account the scientific developments in the individual research fields it treats, the interdisciplinarity and the emergence of new cutting-edge objects. At the same time, it monitors the programs of relevant departments of other universities in Greece and abroad.
Objectives of the Quality Policy
The implementation of the quality policy presupposes the employment of quality procedures that ensure the following objectives:
- the suitability of the structure and organization of the curriculum
- the achievement of learning outcomes and qualifications in accordance with the European and National Qualifications Frameworks of Higher Education
- the promotion of the quality and effectiveness of the teaching work
- the suitability of the qualifications of the teaching staff
- the strengthening of the extroversion and international presence of the Department, with emphasis on the recognition of the Department at local, national and international level
- the improvement of the connection with the local community, the labor market, the scientific institutions and the graduates of the Department
- the innovative orientation of the Undergraduate Program both in terms of methodological originality (e.g. seminar courses) and in terms of courses linked to dynamic sectors of the labour market
- the promotion of the quality and quantity of the research work of the members of the academic unit
- the ways of linking teaching with research
- the level of demand for graduates’ acquired qualifications in the labour market
- the quality of the administrative and electronic services supporting students
the conduct of the annual internal evaluation of the undergraduate program of study within the framework of the Internal Quality Assurance System (ESAP) with the cooperation of the Department’s EODIA and the University’s MODIP.